Hey, I'm Dachary Carey

Tech Writer, Programmer, Coffee Enthusiast

Hey, I'm Dachary Carey
Benefits of Docs Writing Code Examples

Benefits of Docs Writing Code Examples

In which I discuss the benefits of having a documentation team writing the code examples.

Knowing When Docs Need Updates

Knowing When Docs Need Updates

In which I discuss the strategies for knowing when docs need updates.

Test Docs Code Examples

Test Docs Code Examples

In which I explore why you really need to test docs code examples.

Docs Readability Scoring

Docs Readability Scoring

In which I automate readability scoring for documentation.

Welcome to my new, new home.

Welcome to my new, new home.

In which I migrate from WordPress to Hugo.

I wrote a… best-selling iOS app?

I wrote a… best-selling iOS app?

I which I am amazed to wake up and see my app leading sales in its category.

I wrote an iOS app!

I wrote an iOS app!

In which I write an iOS app to track RPG playthrough details.

CLI tool version complications

CLI tool version complications

In which I attempt to debug a CLI thing and find out I made an assumption.

Docs-as-code workflow: the missing link; a collaboration tool

Docs-as-code workflow: the missing link; a collaboration tool

In which I wax poetic about the value of previewing a docs-as-code site.